Why we give.

We give because we care.
We give because we believe the Gospel.
We give because we know God has used the church to advance His work.

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

Ways to give.


We use Simplify Give to process online giving safely and securely for your desktop or mobile device.


If you would like to give through the mail the church address is.

Bethany Church Columbia

6570 Dobbin RD

Ste D

Columbia, MD 21045

In Person

We have Blue Boxes in the back of the sanctuary with envelopes for you to fill out and drop inside.

Your prayers, tithes, and offerings help fulfill our mission of Helping people find peace and purpose in Jesus.

Thank you. 

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7