Bethany Blessings
We need you at Bethany Church! We believe that scripture is clear that those with disabilities are made in God’s image and are an indispensable part of the body of Christ. That means that our Bethany family is missing out by not having you here! Our goal is to provide a safe place for families with disabilities to grow and belong.
We understand that every child is different and that you might prefer for your child to remain in the service with you or attend the whole group class with their peers. We want to be a place where children can enjoy learning about Jesus and where families can feel welcomed and worship freely.
Specifically, here is what we currently offer:
designed to meet the sensory and other specific needs of your child/ren who might benefit from a separate and smaller class size.
bags filled with sensory items for children who might prefer to stay in the sanctuary with their family.
someone who is trained to accompany your child to their age level classroom and assist them when needed.
We partner with other local churches and The Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware to put on an overnight camp for teens and young adults with disabilities. To learn more about camp visit the link below.
Join Us!
Join Us!
Want to attend or have questions?
Do you plan to attend Bethany or just want to know more?
We would love to hear from you. Email our Bethany Blessings Director, Katie Matthews.
We ask that if this is your first time you notify us so that we can best be prepared to meet your child. We can't wait to have you here!